With social media at my fingertips, do I really need a website?

21:33:00 Blogger.valens@gmail.com 0 Comments

Ever ask yourself, “why do I need a website when I can just use social media to promote my business?” It’s a great question that is asked more often than you’d imagine – “Website vs Social media”, which is best for you?

Website vs Social Media.

When it comes to social media, besides being “free” to get a business page setup, there are also millions of people on the platform looking to interact with you. When used correctly, this allows you to grow a following faster than you could elsewhere. So, why would one consider building a website when you could use these social media platforms to market your business online?

Check this out: 81% of people research a business or service on the internet prior to making a purchase decision. That’s 25.92 million people searching for businesses online. Yet, 46% of business owners listed “Business currently doesn’t need one” as their #1 reason for not having a website.

We understand the reasons why you might resist building one for your business: “I’m not tech savvy”, “they’re too expensive”, “I don’t have the time.” The reality is, you don’t need to be tech savvy for getting a website. Getting one for your business can be cheap and easy, and to make it simpler for you -  not having one is costing you time and money.

Why does your business need a website?

1. Your site communicates with customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Even when you aren’t at work, your website is. Your customer can get to know you and your products at their convenience. It is better than passing out your business card to thousands of people.

2. 100% control of your online presence. 
What would you rather prefer?

- Setting up shop in someone else’s store (without lease)
- Own or a lease a dedicated space for your business

The first option leaves you at the mercy of the store owner reducing your control over the business. With second option you have total control over your situation.
The same is true for having a website that you control, rather than building your online presence solely on a social media platform.

3. Business value
Have you tried getting a business loan recently? It’s not easy, but if you try and the bank manager asks to see your website, you better have a pretty good one. It doesn’t just stop with the bank; the perceived value of your business without a website will be lower in everyone’s eyes – especially your customers.

4. Instant credibility
The 21st century consumer is a skeptic. In fact, 56% of people stated that they won’t trust a business without a website. Having a website instantly boosts your credibility as a legitimate business.

First impressions count, and website allow you to make a very strong impression with a well-designed introduction for your business.

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